Sass Compiling Error

"parse error: failed at `section-year` /home/www/chrisdto/ on line 81, at column 13"

Full Stack Web Developer based in Vancouver, BC. HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Node.js, NPM, Gulp

Eric Schmidt: “For an hour a day leave the screen…”

Eric Schmidt: “For an hour a day leave the screen…”

Eric Schmidt surprised his audience by telling to the graduate students of Boston university to close the “gizmos” for an hour a day, to take their eyes off the screens, look at those who love and discuss with them face to face.

The paradox is that the statement was made at the time was focused on the benefits of social networking:

“An aspect of the new world is that one can be unique, while being fully connected to all. This could be considered the completion of the American Dream. It symbolizes what can define this generation. If you’re awake, you’re online, you are connected. Some of you probably tweeting my word this time” and…

“For an hour a day leave the screen, look straight at the people you love and make a real conversation”.

I would say just quit everything!


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